Wednesday 26 October 2016

Awesome Atefact

                             My Artefact  

Here is the front of my Fan 
and here's the back

Over the last few weeks I have been working on my artefact I made a FAN FILE on trampolining. I had to read all sorts of different books and read web sites on trampolining. It took me days to find all the info on my Fan and I couldn't just copy all the info I found onto my Fan, I had put it into my own words. After I did that I had to copy all the info out of my book onto my device then Mrs H printed it off. Lastly I made it into my Fan. I stretched all of my learning muscles when I was making my Fan one of the reason why I like my fan it is  unique and know one else did it. Here is a couple of facts I put on my fan about trampolining 

"How to get better at trampolining"
they sometimes use weights to increase their strength they also do yoga so they can get into deeper positions  with their tucks and pikes and ballet also helps a lot in keeping legs straight and toes and feet pointed and their posture in linešŸ¤.

“Training time”
Some people are pretty good at trampolining even if they don’t go to a club but they don’t know how much time it takes to make their routine perfect some train eight hours a day!

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Game of the Week - Parkvale Blues

This is my hockey team. I am proud of my team because we work hard together.

I play Saturday hockey with my team, Parkvale Blue.  We train for an hour every Wednesday morning before school. We have to wear shin guards, mouth guards and our sports uniform so other teams know who we are. So far we have played six games. The best game so far was against Lucknow Curios team.  Parkvale Blue won this game with a score of  2:1 . We almost got several other goals too. We felt really happy and excited.The people in my team are Kayla, Kalae, James, Daniel, Henrietta, Denise. Ruby, Sam, Rebekah and me.

Matariki learning

Totara whanau have been learning about Matariki and ot means  is the 7 stars in the sky also known as the 7 sisters.  Totara whanau did some things to do with matariki I did some hand sewing with Mrs Beswick and Mrs Samson (our Librarian). 
Here is photo me doing my sewing. In the sewing group we had to get a  piece of paper and we had to trace a Matariki house onto it then we  had to iron on some fabric, next we had to take off the paper from the back of  the  fabric. I learnt how to stitch and had to be careful to do stitching little and the same size. I really enjoyed Matariki sewing  

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Hannah's Art

My art
Here is  my awesome Art 

I am proud of  art because it looks really awesome. I made a awesome piece of art with  Miss H and I learnt how to blend the colours together from dark to light because it looks further away.
This piece of art I have done is with oil pastels. 
Something that challenged me was the perspective is when something that goes from big to small and near to far. 
I lent (learnt) about the horizon line.

Tuesday 31 May 2016

Mould science


I have been leaning in science about mould and me and my science group Daniel, Katie and Gemma set up this experiment with these three pieces of bread. The two top pieces of bread are the bread from a few days before the pitcher (picture) down the bottom was taken. Here are some cool facts about mould: Did you know that mould is a fungus related to mushrooms? Also do you know that soy sauce is made with mould?

Thursday 12 May 2016


I have been working on my perimeter activity and it was tricky to get the hang of adding up the numbers of the out side of the shape or perimeter. Perimeter means the distance around the out side of the shape. I think my play ground would be the best play ground you could ever play on and my bungee jump would get you nice and wet. I learnt how to add up with x and how to add it up.